Yes, generally the use of the market maker exemption under article 17 of the regulation must be notified to the competent authority 30 days prior to the use of the exemption. However in some particular instances (e.g. in connection with initial public offering) the Danish FSA may give a positive response to the market maker upon request. The exemption may then be used from the date on which the market maker receives confirmation from the Danish FSA that we do not intend to refuse the use of the exemption on the specific instrument.
This procedure is found in paragraph 17 of ESMA's Guidelines on Exemption for market making activities and primary market operations under Regulation (EU) 236/2012 of the European Parliament and the Council on short selling and certain aspects of Credit Default Swaps (ESMA/2013/74). The Danish FSA has announced that it will follow the ESMA Guidelines, and therefore this process will be followed.