Registration of contact persons reporting via FIONA Online to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA)

To create users for FIONA Online, you must fill in a registration form and submit it to the FSA by email to

Please note that in the registration form you must state which reports the individual users wishes to have access to, as well as which of the following roles/actions each user wishes for the individual reports:

  • Access to reporting
  • Receive reminder emails
  • Receives error status emails

When the FSA has received the registration form, the users will be created in the system. The users then receives an information email from Danmarks Nationalbank and subsequently an invitation to FIONA Online from

The registration form

The registration form must be filled in with information about the company or companies for which the users must be able to report.

For each company, the following must be stated:

  • Name of the company
  • FT-id of the company

For each user, the following must be stated:

  • Name of the contact person
  • The contact person’s email
  • The contact person’s mobile number
  • Marking with X whether the contact person must be added or deleted

The user is only created with one access. If you must report for several companies, after logging in you will be shown a list of the companies that are accessible.

If you have problems accessing FIONA Online after you have received the information email and the invitation to FIONA Online, please contact Danmarks Nationalbank, FIONA service desk on telephone +4533636814 or email

Find the registration form here.

Last updated 07-12-2023